Tag Archives: snowbird

Going Somewhere Warm for Winter?

Are you planning on taking a trip this winter and leaving your house empty for a few days?  Or are you one of those fortunate ones who skips Wisconsin winters altogether and heads south for several months?

If so, we’re happy for you… and a little jealous!  We hope you enjoy your time in the sun.

Keep in mind, though, that leaving winter behind is not entirely worry-free.  If your house is going to sit empty for any amount of time in the depths of our bitter cold winters, problems can occur with your plumbing and septic system.  Not only can pipes freeze if they aren’t being used, but issues can also arise with the septic system itself.  Extremely cold temps plus a period of non-use can equal annoying issues when you return home.

If you plan on leaving this winter, consider a house-sitter or having a trusted neighbor stop in and run water down the drains, flush the toilets, etc. to keep things moving in those lines.  And of course, give your local pumper a call to see what else they recommend for your particular system in order to keep everything working for you!